Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Three months old and teething...what the???

So Jenson is teething??? It cant be...he is only three months old! I dont know if I will believe it until I actually see a tooth but he has all the symptoms...he drools a ton, he has a runny nose, he is super fussy, ect ect. I guess it can happen I actually know someone whos daughter was born with 2 front teeth...creepy I know! Well I guess that Jenson has always been a little ahead of the game...I mean the kid was holding his head up in the hospital for goodness sakes! Crystal says that he was pretty much born a three month old. Even though he has been more fussy than usual he is still happy little Jenson. He started laughing yesterday...it is pretty dang cute!


Heather Strong said...

Jake's dad tells me he started teething at 3 months - so it definitely can happen!

Howards said...

Cute boy! Londyn had two teeth the week of her 4 month appt. She wasnt a bad teether so I dont know when she started getting them but they popped up over night. she had 8 teeth by one and has 12 now!